From Times Higher Education - Pilots of £6m anti-cheating tool report successful results -EU-backed project using facial-, voice- and keystroke-identification technology enters final stages
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Arthur Rimbaud in Ethiopia; Harar; Isabelle Rimbaud; Catholic Mission in Harar; Paul Verlaine
A re-posting. with some additions (first posted 2010) .
"During the whole course of his disease, and up to his last breath. his thoughts were constantly turned towards Harar, which he had loved passionately and where he earnestly wanted to return to die, would there have been any possibility of carrying him there". Isabelle Rimbaud, letter to the Fathers of the Catholic Mission at Harar (Roche, December 15th, 1891).
"Toi, mort, mort, mort ! Mais mort du moins tel que tu veux,
En nègre blanc, en sauvage splendidement
Civilisé, civilisant négligemment ..."
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Corfu, Greece: Floating Rubbish, Flooded Streets; «Κολυμπάνε» τα σκουπίδια της Κέρκυρας
Flooded streets and floating rubbish, Corfu TV News
Flooded streets at Solari
Spilia, Corfu, floods
Corfu's garbage goes 'swimming', Enimerosi
“Βουλιάζει” η Κέρκυρα από την έντονη βροχόπτωση και τα σκουπίδια, StartmediaCorfu
For more video and postings, go to Facebook, Ta Parapona Sou Sto Dimarcho, scroll down for recent updates
Video (Leonidas Anastasios Soulos)
Update, 6 December 2018, Enimerosi:
Council of State: Another 2,000 tons of waste can be taken to Lefkimmi landfill
Update, 9 December, 2018, Corfu TV News
Deadlock and Stagnation with Waste Management
Update: Waste to Energy Incineration Proposal
The worst is to come - by Dionysis Mamalos, Corfu TV News, December 30, 2018
«Τα κακά πέρασαν, τα χειρότερα έρχονται…»
Monday, 29 October 2018
Venice floods; St. Mark's Square; Italian floods
Floods hit Venice, Euronews
"Venice city officials say 70 percent of the lagoon city has been flooded by waters rising 149-centimetres above sea level".
At least six dead as heavy rain, flooding, hits Italy, Euronews
From Dust-to-Digital: a new DVD
Black Delta, Part I (1968)
Black Delta, Part II (1968)
Parchman Penitentiary (1968)
Give My Poor Heart Ease: Mississippi Delta Bluesmen (1975)
I Ain’t Lyin’: Folktales from Mississippi (1975)
Made in Mississippi: Black Folk Art and Crafts (1975)
Two Black Churches (1975)
To be released 2 November, 2018
Product Description
"In addition to being a groundbreaking documentarian of the American South, William Ferris is Joel R. Williamson Eminent Professor of History and senior associate director of the Center for the Study of the American South at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A former chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Ferris co-edited the Encyclopedia of Southern Culture and is the author of multiple books. In 1991, Rolling Stone magazine named him among the top ten professors in the United States. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, folklorist William Ferris toured his home state of Mississippi, documenting the voices of African Americans as they spoke about and performed the diverse musical traditions that form the roots of the blues. This DVD features seven films made by William Ferris between 1968 and 1975. FILMS INCLUDED: Black Delta, Part I (1968) (b/w) Black Delta, Part II (1968) (b/w) Parchman Penitentiary (1968) (b/w) Give My Poor Heart Ease: Mississippi Delta Bluesmen (1975) (color) I Ain't Lyin': Folktales from Mississippi (1975) (color) Made in Mississippi: Black Folk Art and Crafts (1975) (color) Two Black Churches (1975) (color) 'The combination of William Ferris and Dust-to-Digital is so important in preserving the cornerstone of our musical American history...' Lucinda Williams 'Bill Ferris is a profound historian. I am his biggest fan!!' Quincy Jones 'Going from farm to front porch across America's south in the 1960s, William Ferris recorded everything from praying pigs to haunting blues a political act, he says, at a time when black voices were being silenced.' Rebecca Bengal, The Guardian 'The 73-year-old UNC professor has spent six decades becoming Southern culture's chief documentarian. Equally at home on Mississippi state work farms or in college lecture halls, Ferris has broken some of America's biggest racial divides to collect tales of a sometimes-hidden history. It's a story he likes to share, too.'
Tom Maxwell, IndyWeek March, 2015
Pure Rockabilly!
Sixty years ago:
Wanda Jackson - Hard Headed Woman
See also:
Wanda Jackson - Fujiyama Mama (stereo)
Brazilian 'Blues' Aria: Cala a passarada aos seus tristes queixumes (Bachianas brasileiras No. 5); Heitor Villa-Lobos
"Cala a passarada aos seus tristes queixumes"
A lovely interpretation of the aria (1938) from Heitor Villa-Lobos' Bachianas brasileiras No. 5, W 391, performed by Thibaut Garcia and Elsa Dreisig
Tarde uma nuvem rósea lenta e transparente.
Sobre o espaço, sonhadora e bela!
Surge no infinito a lua docemente,
Enfeitando a tarde, qual meiga donzela
Que se apresta e a linda sonhadoramente,
Em anseios d'alma para ficar bela
Grita ao céu e a terra toda a Natureza!
Cala a passarada aos seus tristes queixumes
E reflete o mar toda a Sua riqueza...
Suave a luz da lua desperta agora
A cruel saudade que ri e chora!
Tarde uma nuvem rósea lenta e transparente
Sobre o espaço, sonhadora e bela!
Ruth Valadares Correa
Another favourite from Brazil (1971):
Caetano Veloso - In the hot sun of Christmas Day
Czechoslovakia: 100th anniversary
From Euronews
"The Czech Republic marked 100 years since the birth of Czechoslovakia with a military parade in Prague on Sunday. It’s the biggest procession of its kind in the country's post-communist history.
But since 1993, the state peacefully separated into two independent nations, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In a unique gesture, troops from the UK, France, Italy, and the US all took part in the event".
Sunday, 28 October 2018
Hope for the Mediterranean
Simon Reeve documentary, BBC iPlayer, series 1, Episode 4
The hopeful part is towards the end:
"The Mediterranean region attracts a third of world tourism and visitor numbers are predicted to rise to half a billion a year by the end of the next decade. Simon travels to a western corner of Corsica, a nature reserve that must be one of the most heavily protected bits of sea on earth, and one of the few places where tourists are actively discouraged from visiting. Lying on the beach, hiking in the mountains and watersport activities are all banned. The park's manager shows Simon the results, taking him for a dive in the fishiest place in the Med. In a sea where over ninety percent of fish stocks are over exploited, it is a beacon of hope in what is otherwise an uncertain future for the Mediterranean".
A depressing part:
Blue Belts to save our seas
Please don't call a referendum on the subject.
EU pledges new money to protect ocean life, EU Observer
Dylan Track (Alternate - Blood on the Tracks)
A good one - Bob Dylan - You're a Big Girl Now (Take 2)
From More Blood, More Tracks, Bootleg Series
Bob Dylan - If You See Her Say Hello (Take 1)
England: Opt-out organ donation plan wins Commons backing; Organ Donors
From BBC News
"Under the plans, passed by the Commons, adults in England will be presumed to be donors unless they have specifically recorded their decision not to be...If passed by the Lords, the measures would come into effect in spring 2020".
Γυναίκες Ηπειρώτισσες - Παιδιά, της Ελλάδος παιδιά: 28 October, Ochi Day
Two songs for Ochi Day, 28 October:
Different video, same song
Γυναίκες Ηπειρώτισσες μέσα στο χιόνι πάνε κι οβίδες κουβαλάνε κι οβίδες κουβαλάνε Θεέ μου τι τις πότισες και δεν αγκομαχάνε Γυναίκες Ηπειρώτισσες ξαφνιάσματα της φύσης εχθρέ γιατί δε ρώτησες ποιον πας να κατακτήσεις Γιαννιώτισσες Σουλιώτισσες ξαφνιάσματα της φύσης εχθρέ γιατί δε ρώτησες ποιον πας να κατακτήσεις Γυναίκες απ’ τα σύνορα κόρες γριές κυράδες φωτιά μες τους βοριάδες φωτιά μες τους βοριάδες εσείς θα είστε σίγουρα της λευτεριάς μανάδες Γυναίκες Ηπειρώτισσες ξαφνιάσματα της φύσης εχθρέ γιατί δε ρώτησες ποιον πας να κατακτήσεις Γιαννιώτισσες Σουλιώτισσες ξαφνιάσματα της φύσης εχθρέ γιατί δε ρώτησες ποιον πας να κατακτήσεις
Γυναίκες Ηπειρώτισσες μέσα στο χιόνι πάνε κι οβίδες κουβαλάνε κι οβίδες κουβαλάνε Θεέ μου τι τις πότισες και δεν αγκομαχάνε Γυναίκες Ηπειρώτισσες ξαφνιάσματα της φύσης εχθρέ γιατί δε ρώτησες ποιον πας να κατακτήσεις Γιαννιώτισσες Σουλιώτισσες ξαφνιάσματα της φύσης εχθρέ γιατί δε ρώτησες ποιον πας να κατακτήσεις Γυναίκες απ’ τα σύνορα κόρες γριές κυράδες φωτιά μες τους βοριάδες φωτιά μες τους βοριάδες εσείς θα είστε σίγουρα της λευτεριάς μανάδες Γυναίκες Ηπειρώτισσες ξαφνιάσματα της φύσης εχθρέ γιατί δε ρώτησες ποιον πας να κατακτήσεις Γιαννιώτισσες Σουλιώτισσες ξαφνιάσματα της φύσης εχθρέ γιατί δε ρώτησες ποιον πας να κατακτήσεις
A Tweet from the British Ambassador (Kathimerini) - Κ. Σμιθ, η πρεσβευτής της Μ. Βρετανίας: Ελλάδα και Βρετανία, μόνες στα άκρα της Ευρώπης συνέχιζαν να αντιστέκονται στη ναζιστική πλημμυρίδα:
«Στο εξής δεν θα λέμε ότι οι Έλληνες πολεμούν σαν ήρωες, αλλά ότι οι ήρωες πολεμούν σαν Έλληνες», δήλωσε ο Winston Churchill, αναγνωρίζοντας την ανδρεία των Ελλήνων. Μετά το ΟΧΙ, η Ελλάδα και η Βρετανία μόνες στα άκρα της Ευρώπης συνέχιζαν να αντιστέκονται στη ναζιστική πλημμυρίδα».
Original tweet
(There seems to be some uncertainty about when Churchill may have said these precise words).
Original tweet
(There seems to be some uncertainty about when Churchill may have said these precise words).
Nigeria: The Day Nigeria Struck Oil
From BBC World Service Radio, "Witness"
Nine minutes. A lesson for Greece, and for us all.
The Day Nigeria Struck Oil
"An eyewitness account of a discovery that changed Nigerian history. Chief Sunday Inengite was 19 years old when prospectors from the Shell D'Arcy oil company first came to his village of Oloibiri in the Niger Delta in search of crude oil. It was there in 1956, that commercial quantities of oil were first discovered more than 3km below ground. It marked the start of Nigeria's huge oil industry, but it came at a cost for villages in the Niger Delta. Alex Last spoke to Chief Sunday Inengite about his memories of those days and the impact oil had on his community".
Saturday, 27 October 2018
Australia: What the world can learn
From The Economist, October 27th, 2018 - "What the world can learn from Australia; It is perhaps the most successful rich economy"
"Rising incomes, low public debt, an affordable welfare state, popular support for mass immigration and a broad consensus on the policies underpinning these things—that is a distant dream in most rich countries. Many Western politicians could scarcely imagine a place that combined them all. Happily, they do not have to, because such a country already exists: Australia".
Friday, 26 October 2018
Poole Hospital: CQC warning notice over surgery safety; Dorset
From BBC News
"A hospital where a string of serious mistakes took place needs to improve patient care and safety in surgery services, inspectors have said".
Hydra: Wilhelm Müller - 1821, Lieder der Griechen (Songs of the Greeks; Les Chants des Grecs)
With thanks to Brian Sidaway
Seh ich deine Wolkengipfel, steigt mein Herz und wallt mein Blut.
Hoher, steiler, fester Felsen, den des Meeres Wog umbraust,
Über dessen kahlem Scheitel wild die Donnerwolke saust!
Aber in das Ungewitter streckst du kühn dein Haupt empor,
Und es wankt nicht von dem Schlage, dessen Schall betäubt das Ohr;
Und aus seinen tiefsten Höhlen schleudert das erboste Meer
Wogenberg' an deine Füße, doch sie stehen stark und hehr,
Schwanken nicht, so viel die Tanne schwankt im linden Abendhauch,
Und die Wogenungeheuer brechen sich zu Schaum und Rauch.
Hoher, steiler, fester Felsen, darauf Hellas' Freiheit ruht!
Hydra, hör ich deinen Namen, steigt mein Herz und wallt mein Blut;
Und mit deiner Segel Fluge schwebt ins weite Meer mein Geist,
Wo der Wind, wo jede Welle jubelnd deine Siege preist.
Ist Athen in Schutt zerfallen, liegt in Staub Amphions Stadt,
Weiß kein Enkel mehr zu sagen, wo das Haus gestanden hat,
Dessen Ziegel nach dem feigen Sohne warf der Mutter Hand,
Als er ohne Kranz und Wunde vor der Tür der Heldin stand:
Laßt die Türm und Mauern stürzen; was ihr baut, muß untergehn:
Ewig wird der Freiheit Felsen in dem freien Meere stehn!
An English translation of Hydra by Heiner Georgsdorf follows (with thanks). The actress Eva Mattes (cf films by Fassbinder and Herzog) gave an impressive and dramatic rendition of the poem (in German) at Heiner's wife's birthday party on Hydra recently, according to Brian. I am grateful for permission to reproduce the powerful translation.
Wilhelm Müller (1794 – 1827)
High, steep, sturdy rocks, on which Hellas’ freedom rests!
When I see your cloudy peaks, my heart speaks up, my blood begins to seethe.
High, steep, sturdy rocks, round which the ocean’s wave does roar,
With booming thunderclouds caressing its bleak ridge!
But in this tempest, you boldly raise your craggy head,
Nor does a lightning strike, so loud it pains the ear, cause you to finch;
And from its deepest caves, the furious ocean hurls
Surging billows toweringly at your feet, but they stand strong and noble,
They do not quiver, as much as the fir does in a mild evening breeze,
And crested monsters break to foam and froth.
High, steep, sturdy rocks, on which Hellas’ freedom rests!
Hydra, when I hear your name, my heart speaks up, my blood begins to seethe.
And on your flying sails my spirit floats above the sea,
Where every breeze and every wave praise jubilantly your victories.
Is Athens ruined, has Amphion’s town been razed,
Is there no grand child who knows where once stood a house,
From which a mother’s hand threw roof tiles at her cowardly son,
When he appeared, unhurt and uncrowned, at the heroine’s door:
Let walls and towers all come down; what you have built, it must fall:
Forever will this rock of freedom stand in this free sea!
Die Suliotin
Gewebt am Stuhl, und froh dabei ans neue Kleid gedacht.
Ich hab die Herden auf den Höhn gehütet manchen Tag,
Und bin geklettert ohne Not den jungen Ziegen nach;
Ich habe meinen Kleinen auch manch Kinderspiel gezeigt,
Und Sprung und Lauf und Schuß und Wurf ward mir mit ihnen leicht.
Jetzt schleif ich einen Stahl für mich und drehe Sennen mir
Mein Herr, mein Hort, mein Herz, o nimm mich in den Kampf mit dir!
Ich kenne jeden Felsenpfad auf Sulis steilen Höhn,
Und wo die flinke Gemse zagt, da kann ich sicher stehn.
Hast du noch nicht gesehn, was ich vermag im Sprung und Lauf,
Wohlan, so gib ein Probestück mir mit den Männern auf!
Und eine Klippe zeige mir auf Suli weit und breit,
Die ich dir nicht erklettern kann zu aller Frauen Neid.
Den Vogel treff ich in der Luft, wo's gilt nur einen Scherz –
Meinst du, verfehlen könnt ich ja des großen Feindes Herz?
Mein Herr, mein Hort, mein Herz, o nimm mich in den Kampf mit dir!
Mein Töchterchen kann spinnen schon. – Was sitz ich länger hier?
Mein jüngster Knabe steht allein. – Was ist mein Arm ihm wert?
Mein ältester geht auf die Jagd. – Was sorg ich für den Herd?
Mit dir, mit dir will ich ins Feld! Da hab ich meinen Stand,
Bei dir, bei dir, da, Brust an Brust, da, Liebster, Hand in Hand!
Und sollt ich fallen, sieh nicht hin, und denke nicht an mich,
Denk an den Feind, denk an den Kampf, und denke, Herz, an dich,
An unsre Kinder, an dein Haus, an Sulis heilge Höhn,
An unsres Gottes Tempel, die auf ihren Gipfeln stehn,
An deiner Heldenväter Staub, und dann an eine Gruft
Für mich, für dich, in freier Erd und unter freier Luft!
My task is done, my song has ceased, my theme
Has died into an echo. Childe Harold
Has died into an echo. Childe Harold
»Siebenunddreißig Trauerschüsse? Und wen haben sie gemeint?
Sind es siebenunddreißig Siege, die er abgekämpft dem Feind?
Sind es siebenunddreißig Wunden, die der Held trägt auf der Brust?
Sagt, wer ist der edle Tote, der des Lebens bunte Lust
Auf den Märkten und den Gassen überhüllt mit schwarzem Flor?
Sagt, wer ist der edle Tote, den mein Vaterland verlor?«
Keine Siege, keine Wunden meint des Donners dumpfer Hall,
Der von Missolunghis Mauern brüllend wogt durch Berg und Tal,
Und als grause Weckerstimme rüttelt auf das starre Herz,
Das der Schlag der Trauerkunde hat betäubt mit Schreck und Schmerz:
Siebenunddreißig Jahre sind es, so die Zahl der Donner meint,
Byron, Byron, deine Jahre, welche Hellas heut beweint!
Sind's die Jahre, die du lebtest? Nein, um diese wein ich nicht:
Ewig leben diese Jahre in des Ruhmes Sonnenlicht,
Auf des Liedes Adlerschwingen, die mit nimmermüdem Schlag
Durch die Bahn der Zeiten rauschen, rauschend große Seelen wach.
Nein, ich wein um andre Jahre, Jahre, die du nicht gelebt,
Um die Jahre, die für Hellas du zu leben hast gestrebt.
Solche Jahre, Monde, Tage kündet mir des Donners Hall,
Welche Lieder, welche Kämpfe, welche Wunden, welchen Fall!
Einen Fall im Siegestaumel auf den Mauern von Byzanz,
Eine Krone dir zu Füßen, auf dem Haupt der Freiheit Kranz!
Edler Kämpfer, hast gekämpfet, eines jeden Kranzes wert,
Hast gekämpfet mit des Geistes doppelschneidig scharfem Schwert,
Mit des Liedes ehrner Zunge, daß von Pol zu Pol es klang,
Mit der Sonne von dem Aufgang kreisend bis zum Niedergang.
Hast gekämpfet mit dem grimmen Tiger der Tyrannenwut,
Hast gekämpft in Lernas Sumpfe mit der ganzen Schlangenbrut,
Die in schwarzem Moder nistet und dem Licht ist also feind,
Daß sie Gift und Galle sprudelt, wenn ein Strahl sie je bescheint.
Hast gekämpfet für die Freiheit, für die Freiheit einer Welt,
Und für Hellas' junge Freiheit, wie ein todesfroher Held.
Sahst in ahnenden Gesichten sie auf unsren Bergen stehn,
Als im Tal noch ihre Kinder mußten an dem Joche gehn,
Hörtest schon den Lorbeer rauschen von der nahen Siegeslust,
Fühltest schon in Kampfeswonne schwellen deine große Brust!
Und als nun die Zeit erschienen, die prophetisch du geschaut,
Bist du nicht vor ihr erschrocken; wie der Bräutigam zur Braut,
Flogest du in Hellas' Arme, und sie öffnete sie weit:
»Ist Tyrtäos auferstanden? Ist verwunden nun mein Leid?
Ob die Könige der Erde grollend auf mich niedersehn,
Ihre Schranzen meiner spotten, ihre Priester mich verschmähn,
Eines Sängers Kriegesflagge seh ich fliegen durch das Meer;
Tanzende Delphine kreisen um des Schiffes Seiten her,
Stolz erheben sich der Wogen weiße Häupter vor dem Kiel,
Und an seinen Mast gelehnet, greift er in sein Saitenspiel.
›Freiheit!‹ singt er mir entgegen, ›Freiheit!‹ tönt es ihm zurück,
Freiheit brennt in seinen Wangen, Freiheit blitzt aus seinem Blick.
Sei willkommen, Held der Leier! Sei willkommen, Lanzenheld!
Auf, Tyrtäos, auf, und führe meine Söhne mir ins Feld!«
Also stieg er aus dem Schiffe, warf sich nieder auf das Land,
Und die Lippen drückt' er schweigend in des Ufers weichen Sand;
Schweigend ging er durch die Scharen, gleich als ging' er ganz allein,
Welche jauchzend ihm entgegen wogten bis ins Meer hinein.
Ach, es hat ihn wohl umschauert, als er küßte diesen Strand,
Eines Todesengels Flügel, der auf unsren Wällen stand!
Und der Held hatt' nicht gezittert, als er diesen Boten sah;
Schärfer faßt' er ihn ins Auge: »Meinst du mich, so bin ich da!
Eine Schlacht nur laß mich kämpfen, eine siegesfrohe Schlacht,
Für die Freiheit der Hellenen, und in deine lange Nacht
Folg ich deinem ersten Winke ohne Sträuben, bleicher Freund!
Habe längst der Erde Schauspiel durchgelacht und durchgeweint.«
Arger Tod, du feiger Würger, hast die Bitt ihm nicht gewährt!
Hast ihn hinterrücks beschlichen, als er wetzt' an seinem Schwert,
Hast mit seuchenschwangerm Odem um das Haupt ihn angehaucht,
Und des Busens Lebensflammen aus dem Nacken ihm gesaugt.
Und so ist er hingesunken ohne Sturz und ohne Schlag,
Hingewelkt wie eine Eiche, die des Winters Stürme brach,
Und die eine schwüle Stunde mit Gewürmen überstreut,
Und des Waldes stolze Heldin einem Blumentode weiht.
Also ist er hingesunken in des Lebens vollem Flor,
Aufgeschürzt zu neuem Laufe harrend an der Schranken Tor,
Mit dem Blick die Bahn durchmessend, mit dem Blick am Ziele schon,
Das ihm heiß entgegenwinkte mit dem grünen Siegeslohn.
Ach, er hat ihn nicht errungen! Legt ihn auf sein bleiches Haupt!
Tod, was ist dir nun gelungen? Hast den Kranz ihm nicht geraubt!
Hast ihn früher ihm gegeben, als er selbst ihn hätt erfaßt!
Und der Lorbeer glänzet grüner, weil sein Antlitz ist erblaßt. »Siebenunddreißig Trauerschüsse! Donnert, donnert durch die Welt!
Und ihr hohen Meereswogen, tragt durch euer ödes Feld
Unsrer Donner Widerhalle fort nach seinem Vaterland,
Daß den Toten die beweinen, die den Lebenden verbannt.
Was Britannia verschuldet hat an uns mit Rat und Tat,
Dieser ist's, der uns die Schulden seines Volks bezahlet hat!
Über seiner Bahre reichen wir dem Briten unsre Hand:
›Freies Volk, schlag ein und werde Freund und Hort von uns genannt!‹«
Griechenlands Hoffnung
Brüder, schaut nicht in die Ferne nach der Fremden Schutz hinaus,
Schaut, wenn ihr wollt sicher schauen, nur in euer Herz und Haus.
Findet ihr für eure Freiheit da nicht heilige Gewähr,
Nun und nimmer, Brüder, nimmer kömmt sie euch von außen her.
Selber hast du aufgeladen dir der Knechtschaft schweres Joch,
Selber hast du es getragen, und du trügst es heute noch,
Hättest du darauf gewartet, hochgelobtes Griechenland,
Daß es dir vom Nacken sollte heben eine fremde Hand.
Selber mußt du für dich kämpfen, wie du selber dich befreit,
Dein die Schuld und dein die Buße, dein die Palme nach dem Streit.
Viele werden dich beklagen, viele dir Gebete weihn,
Viele sich für dich verwenden, viele deine Rater sein
Hoffst du mehr? Bau auf die Hoffnung deiner Freiheit Feste nicht,
Daß der Grund, auf dem sie ruhet, nicht den Bau zu Trümmern bricht.
Deiner alten Freiheit Ehre ist der neuen Welt gerecht,
Denn der Freie schläft im Grabe so geduldig, wie der Knecht.
Lege reuig deine Waffen nieder vor des Türken Thron,
Beuge friedlich deinen Nacken zu dem alten Sklavenfron:
Dann, dann magst du sicher bauen auf die Macht der Christenheit,
Dann, dann magst du sicher hoffen, daß der Türke dir verzeiht.
Ruh und Friede will Europa. – Warum hast du sie gestört?
Warum mit dem Wahn der Freiheit eigenmächtig dich betört?
Hoff auf keines Herren Hülfe gegen eines Herren Fron,
Auch des Türkenkaisers Polster nennt Europa einen Thron.
Hellas, wohin schaut dein Auge? – Sohn, ich schau empor zu Gott –
Gott, mein Trost in Schuld und Buße, Gott, mein Hort in Kampf und Tod.
See also: Les Chants des Grecs
Neugriechische Volkslieder (Fauriel) - Wilhelm Müller translations
Related: a book about the artist William Pownall, edited by Heiner Georgsdorf
Heiner is a 'devoted henchman of documenta' in Kassel, Germany. Their last project was ‘documenta 14’ in Athens.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
A day in the life of Alex Potts QC
From Kennedys Law
This article was first published in Counsel Magazine, August 2018
Trapped in "Car Dependency"; In Praise of Walkable Poundbury, Dorset
Young couples 'trapped in car dependency', BBC News
The Art of Leadership, Interview with Nina-Maria Potts
Listen to the podcast conversation: Professor Norman Sandridge talks to Nina-Maria Potts
A fascinating podcast on news broadcasting, leadership, management, international journalism and many other topics, practical and philosophical!
See also
"In this episode Nina-Maria Potts, director of global news coverage for Feature Story News, talks with Norman Sandridge (classics professor at Howard University, fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies), about what it’s like to be a leader in an international news organization and how journalism itself is a kind of leadership. They discuss how Nina evolved into her leadership role (and whether she truly thinks of herself as a leader) and how to tell a local story in such a way that it has relevance to a global audience".
"This week I'm honored to feature Nina-Maria Potts, a leader of journalists and whose journalism itself leads. This is a most timely conversation in an era when many citizens don't want to lead and don't seem to appreciate the role of media in helping us to see the global significance of an ostensibly local story".
"The format of the podcast is simple: I get to talk at length to leaders I find really interesting. We try to be really honest, spontaneous, and experimental in our conversations. We explore questions and themes that have ancient parallels... The conversations are not edited for sound bites or quick processing. The goal is to help listeners slowly reflect on and internalize all the forms and complexities of democratic leadership, as though you were a guest at cocktail party or symposium in the belly of a great volcano, where the molten energy of the next generation is preparing to erupt.
When I say that "in a democracy everyone is a leader," I don't mean that in a sappy, uplifting kind of way. I mean that, in contrast to a monarchy, oligarchy, or dictatorship--where the rules of citizenship are pretty straightforward: "keep your head down and do as you're told"--in a democracy everyone has a responsibility to investigate, define, and work for the common good (or *koinon agathon*), which means that, as leaders, they have to speak up about the problems they see, to call out bad behavior, to work to articulate a clear and inspiring vision for the future, to cheer on their fellow citizens for the good work that they do. Well, in my own small part, I hope that The Art of Leadership is cheering on our fellow citizens for the good work that they do". Norman Sandridge.
Update: Nina at 1A, Friday News Roundup – International (nationally distributed by NPR), with host Joshua Johnson and other guests, Rajini Vaidyanathan and Clemens Wergin.
From Sherborne Girls website
When I say that "in a democracy everyone is a leader," I don't mean that in a sappy, uplifting kind of way. I mean that, in contrast to a monarchy, oligarchy, or dictatorship--where the rules of citizenship are pretty straightforward: "keep your head down and do as you're told"--in a democracy everyone has a responsibility to investigate, define, and work for the common good (or *koinon agathon*), which means that, as leaders, they have to speak up about the problems they see, to call out bad behavior, to work to articulate a clear and inspiring vision for the future, to cheer on their fellow citizens for the good work that they do. Well, in my own small part, I hope that The Art of Leadership is cheering on our fellow citizens for the good work that they do". Norman Sandridge.
Update: Nina at 1A, Friday News Roundup – International (nationally distributed by NPR), with host Joshua Johnson and other guests, Rajini Vaidyanathan and Clemens Wergin.
From Sherborne Girls website
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
The world's oldest intact shipwreck: Greek trading vessel, Black Sea
World’s oldest shipwreck is discovered in Black Sea, The Times
"The world’s oldest intact shipwreck, complete with mast, rudders and rowing benches, has been found at the bottom of the Black Sea where it has been lying for more than 2,400 years".
"The world's oldest shipwreck: 2,400 year old 'Odysseus' Greek trading vessel discovered 1.3 miles down at the bottom of the Black Sea", MailOnline
"Jon Adams, the project’s chief scientist, said the wreck was very well-preserved, with the rudder and tiller still in place.
'A ship, surviving intact, from the Classical world, lying in over 2km of water, is something I would never have believed possible,' he said
'This will change our understanding of shipbuilding and seafaring in the ancient world.'"
Professor Jon Adams is a Professor of Archaeology at the University of Southampton.
"The world's oldest shipwreck: 2,400 year old 'Odysseus' Greek trading vessel discovered 1.3 miles down at the bottom of the Black Sea", MailOnline
"Jon Adams, the project’s chief scientist, said the wreck was very well-preserved, with the rudder and tiller still in place.
'A ship, surviving intact, from the Classical world, lying in over 2km of water, is something I would never have believed possible,' he said
'This will change our understanding of shipbuilding and seafaring in the ancient world.'"
Professor Jon Adams is a Professor of Archaeology at the University of Southampton.
Proof that humans are eating plastic; Microplastics in human stools
From EurekAlert
Microplastics discovered in human stools across the globe in 'first study of its kind' - "Researchers monitored a group of participants from 8 countries across the world with results showing that every single stool sample tested positive for the presence of microplastic and up to 9 different plastic types were identified....Lead researcher Dr. Philipp Schwabl, who is presenting the findings at the 26th UEG Week, commented: "This is the first study of its kind and confirms what we have long suspected, that plastics ultimately reach the human gut. Of particular concern is what this means to us, and especially patients with gastrointestinal diseases. While the highest plastic concentrations in animal studies have been found in the gut, the smallest microplastic particles are capable of entering the blood stream, lymphatic system and may even reach the liver. Now that we have first evidence for microplastics inside humans, we need further research to understand what this means for human health."
From MailOnline
"Experts find nine different types of microplastic in every sample taken from human guts with water bottles blamed as the source - Sources could include the eating of fish or drinking of water from plastic bottles"
From Independent
From The Guardian
"Microplastics found in human stools for the first time - Study suggests the tiny particles may be widespread in the human food chain"
Plasticphobia, BBC iPlyaerRadio 4, Costing the Earth
Could the war on plastic have unintended consequences for the environment? Tom Heap reports. "Two and a half million tons of waste plastic produced every year in the UK" - Recycle this valuable resource, - turn it back into oil!.
Microplastic toxins leave shellfish at mercy of predators - research. Chemical cocktail suppresses periwinkles’ ability to avoid crabs and disrupts food chain, The Guardian
Visitors to Greece: Over 32 Million in 2018?
From Greek Reporter, Tourism Growth Continues as Visitors to Greece set to Surpass 32 Million in 2018
The tragedy of Greek statistics, eKathimerini
Update December 15th, 2018:
Greece’s Tourism Growth to ‘Level Off in 2019’, Greek Reporter
"Greece’s extraordinary growth in tourist arrivals over the last years is likely to level off in 2019, the President of the Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises (SETE) Yiannis Retsos warned on Friday.
He announced that in 2018, Greece attracted about 33 million foreign visitors and tourism revenue rose to 16 billion euros ($18 billion)...Retsos also highlighted the inadequacy in basic infrastructure such as electricity, water supply and waste management in many tourist areas of Greece".
More Tourists — But They Spend Much Less, Greek Reporter
Monday, 22 October 2018
George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionists (Man and Superman, 1903)
Find the maxims here
Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same.
The flunkeyism propagated by the throne is the price we pay for its political convenience.
Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.
When a man teaches something he does not know to somebody else who has no aptitude for it, and gives him a certificate of proficiency, the latter has completed the education of a gentleman.
He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches.
A learned man is an idler who kills time with study. Beware of his false knowledge: it is more dangerous than ignorance.
Sunday, 21 October 2018
England's Social Mobility Index, by Constituency; South Dorset the lowest ranking constituency
From House of Commons Library
"The House of Commons Library's Social Mobility Index by Constituency (SMIC) provides an indication of how likely a person from a disadvantaged background in each constituency is to progress to a higher social status later in life. The SMIC compares constituencies in England using 14 variables which represent four life stages: early years, school age, youth, and adulthood"
South Dorset is the lowest ranking constituency in terms of social mobility, at position 533 out of 533 constituencies. The MP for South Dorset is Richard Drax. West Dorset is ranked at position 269.
Download the full report Social Mobility Index by Constituency SMIC (

Commons Briefing papers CBP-8400
Authors: Lukas Audickas; Grahame Allen
Topics: Children and families, Equality, Further education, Higher education, Incomes and poverty, Local authorities: education, Ofsted, Pre-school education, Schools, Students
Download the full report Social Mobility Index by Constituency SMIC (

Supporting documents (Excel Spreadsheet, 2.31 MB)
Also - worth watching: Britain's Forgotten Slave Owners, BBC iPlayer
Greece: Change in the Weather; Swimming in Weymouth
From Greek Reporter: Greece Braces for Heavy Rain from Storm System ‘Orestes’ Arriving on Monday
Greece: Lightning Strikes, Kathimerini
Check the weather in Greece, Kathimerini
It seems we left in good time.
Today I was swimming at Overcombe Bay, Weymouth. A beautiful morning, just like Greece two days ago!
PROGONOPLEXIA: Προγονοπληξια - Ancestoritis Obsession
A new word to me:
"Progonoplexia is a word used to describe people who have become obsessed with discovering as much as possible about their ancestors. It is another word for “ancestoritis”, which is a rough translation of a Greek word that meant something like “having a deep obsession with one’s ancestry”.
MyHeritage notes that learning about one’s ancestors was a huge part of Greek identity. Doing so allowed people to brag about their ancestors. It allowed them to point out the past glories of their ancestors, and have those glories reflected upon themselves".
"The word was coined to describe the modern Greek people’s preoccupation with discovering their ancient past. It’s an obsession that has lasted over time".
An example of the Greek word, in an analysis of the works of Andreas Karkavitsas (pdf, -age 7):
"Πριν από το κλείσιμο του αιώνα, και συγκεκριμένα το 1897, θα ακολουθήσει ακόμη ένας αποτυχημένος πόλεμος με την Τουρκία, που θα μείνει γνωστός στην ιστορία ως ο «Ατυχής Πόλεμος». Τη νίκη του Σπύρου Λούη και τις ζητωκραυγές των Ελλήνων, έναν χρόνο νωρίτερα, στους πρώτους σύγχρονους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες στην Αθήνα, θα διαδεχτεί η απογοήτευση και η μεμψιμοιρία. Οι συνεχείς ήττες είχαν αντίκτυπο και στον ίδιο τον συγγραφέα που, μαζί με άλλους, θεωρούσε ως αίτιο της καταστροφής την προγονοπληξία. Σε μια προσπάθεια οργανικής σύνδεσης της αρχαίας κληρονομιάς με τον νεότερο ελληνισμό συνέγραψε τη νουβέλα του Ο Αρχαιολόγος (1903)".
Solomos, On the Death of Lord Byron
Solomos' lyrical poem on the death of Lord Byron contains 166 stanzas. It's rightly criticised by Romilly Jenkins.
I reproduce three verses from the beginning, and the final verse - probably sufficient for most readers!
Λευτεριά, γιὰ λίγο πάψε
νὰ χτυπᾶς μὲ τὸ σπαθί.
Τώρα σίμωσε καὶ κλάψε
εἰς τοῦ Μπάιρον τὸ κορμί.
Καὶ κατόπι ἂς ἀκλουθοῦνε
ὅσοι ἐπράξανε λαμπρά.
ἀποπάνου του ἂς χτυποῦνε
μόνο στήθια ἡρωικά.
Πρῶτοι ἂς ἔλθουνε οἱ Σουλιῶτες,
καὶ ἀπ᾿ τὸ Λείψανον αὐτὸ
ἂς μακραίνουνε οἱ προδότες
καὶ ἀπ᾿ τὰ λόγια ὁποῦ θὰ πῶ.
«Ἡ Διχόνοια κατατρέχει
τὴν Ἑλλάδα. Ἂν νικηθεῖ,
τ᾿ ὄνομά σας ξαναζεῖ».
Saturday, 20 October 2018
UK: "Plastic becoming too expensive to recycle, councils say, as giant waste mountain is discovered"
From The Telegraph
"Plastic is becoming too expensive to recycle, councils across Britain will warn on Saturday, raising fears that homeowners' efforts to sort through their waste may be futile. The warning by the Local Government Association comes as the Telegraph reveals mountains of plastic waste are sitting on an abandoned airfield because the local council cannot afford to send it to be recycled".
Plastic recycling industry's problems costing councils up to £500,000 a year, The Guardian
Swindon Council considers telling households to bin plastic waste as recycling options become increasingly limited, ITV
Henry Denander's Blog; Images of Hydra
Hydra has followed me to England!
See Henry's splendid Mailart stampsheet with his painting of Henry Miller and the poet Katsimbalis visiting the painter Ghikas on Hydra in 1939.
An abstract painting from last month
I've always enjoyed Henry's poems and artworks - and his taste in music.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Thursday, 18 October 2018
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