Tuesday 23 October 2018

Proof that humans are eating plastic; Microplastics in human stools

From EurekAlert

Microplastics discovered in human stools across the globe in 'first study of its kind' - "Researchers monitored a group of participants from 8 countries across the world with results showing that every single stool sample tested positive for the presence of microplastic and up to 9 different plastic types were identified....Lead researcher Dr. Philipp Schwabl, who is presenting the findings at the 26th UEG Week, commented: "This is the first study of its kind and confirms what we have long suspected, that plastics ultimately reach the human gut. Of particular concern is what this means to us, and especially patients with gastrointestinal diseases. While the highest plastic concentrations in animal studies have been found in the gut, the smallest microplastic particles are capable of entering the blood stream, lymphatic system and may even reach the liver. Now that we have first evidence for microplastics inside humans, we need further research to understand what this means for human health."

From MailOnline

"Experts find nine different types of microplastic in every sample taken from human guts with water bottles blamed as the source - Sources could include the eating of fish or drinking of water from plastic bottles"

From Independent

From The Guardian

"Microplastics found in human stools for the first time - Study suggests the tiny particles may be widespread in the human food chain"

Plasticphobia, BBC iPlyaerRadio 4, Costing the Earth


Could the war on plastic have unintended consequences for the environment? Tom Heap reports. "Two and a half million tons of waste plastic produced every year in the UK" - Recycle this valuable resource, - turn it back into oil!.

Microplastic toxins leave shellfish at mercy of predators - research. Chemical cocktail suppresses periwinkles’ ability to avoid crabs and disrupts food chain, The Guardian

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