From The Economist
"Unless Syriza suddenly capitulates—and a meeting of euro-zone finance ministers on April 24th is one of its last chances to do so—Greece will fail to pay its creditors. If that happens, its exit from the euro will be just a step away".
From Reuters
Reuters 2 - Some (partial) concessions - "The current disagreements with our partners are not unbridgeable," Varoufakis wrote in the blog. "Our government is eager to rationalize the pension system (for example, by limiting early retirement), proceed with partial privatization of public assets, ...create a fully independent tax commission," he said.
From RTE News
EU Observer - Tsipras asks for quick deal with lenders
EU Observer Update - Eurozone slams door on Greek hopes
Reuters - Euro zone warns Greece no cash till full reform deal
Bloomberg - Varoufakis Chided as EU Shuts Down Shortcut Bid for Aid:
"Euro-area finance ministers hurled abuse at Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis behind closed doors as they shut down his bid to find a shortcut to releasing financial aid. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch chairman of the euro-zone finance chiefs’ group, categorically ruled out making a partial aid payment in exchange for a narrower program of reforms after a stormy meeting in Riga, Latvia, in which Varoufakis was heavily criticized by his euro-area colleagues over his failure to deliver economic reforms. Euro-area finance chiefs said Varoufakis’s handling of the talks was irresponsible and accused him of being a time-waster, a gambler and an amateur, a person familiar with the conversations said, asking not to be named because the discussions were private".
“It was a very critical discussion and it showed a great sense of urgency around the room,” Dijsselbloem said at a press conference after the meeting. Asked if there was any chance of a partial disbursement, he said, “The answer can be very short: No.”
Bloomberg, The Rumble in Riga - Varoufakis: 'They are unanimous in their hate for me; and I welcome their hatred,” Varoufakis said on his Twitter account on Sunday. The quotation is “close to my heart (and reality) these days," '
Reuters - Varoufakis isolated?
Financial Times - EU frustration over Greece hits boiling point at eurogroup meeting: "Months of mounting tensions between Greece and its creditors boiled over at a high-level EU meeting on Friday with eurozone finance ministers angrily accusing their Greek counterpart of backtracking on commitments and failing to grasp the deep differences that still divide them".
Kathimerini/Bloomberg - EU frustration mounts as Greeks try to sidestep aid process
Mignatiou - «Χρειάζεται μια ολοκληρωμένη και λεπτομερής λίστα μεταρρυθμίσεων», είπε. «Είναι απαραίτητη μια ολοκληρωμένη συμφωνία προτού υπάρξει οποιαδήποτε καταβολή (χρημάτων). Όλοι γνωρίζουμε ότι ο χρόνος τελειώνει»
Greece's "Grand Plan" - The Telegraph
More from The Telegraph
Plan B? (Kathimerini)
Reluctant Municipalities, Mayors and Nomarchs- Governors to accept decree forcing handover of spare cash as temporary move
Huffington Post - "Athens is a troubled city, tortured from the festering debt crisis that is squeezing its citizens, forcing them towards the penultimate stage prior to suffocation, as the country's lenders insist on a new austerity deal while its government plays up the trump card of a possible bankruptcy.
In most places, the roads are dirty with overloaded garbage containers strewn around like a bad joke. It looks like it's been years since the city has had a good cleaning, both inside and out. It appears as if it is hiding the deep pain of its residents who prospered until 2010 when, suddenly, the economic crisis hit..." Justine Frangouli-Argyris
EU Observer
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