Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Aristides Vasilaris, Miroloi on Floghera (Floyera; Traditional Reed Flute); Lament; Αριστείδης Βασιλάρης

Thanks again to Christopher King - for alerting me to the floghera (floyera) recordings of Aristides Vasilaris.


On YouTube

Miroloi (Harvest Scene in Epirus Photos from 1930)



Vasilaris died on August 11, 2013

1988 LP record

NB The floyera is sometimes found as a ducted reed flute instrument, sometimes as a ductless instrument.

For more on Greek instruments

John Papayiorgas (John Pappas):

"The floyera is the Greek shepherd's flute. It is not a "whistle" type flute where the musician puts the flute into his mouth and blows like blowing a whistle. Instead, the musican blows across the open end or rim of the upper part of the floyera. In most areas of mainland Greece including Roumeli and Peloponnisos, the instrument is called the floyera. It can vary in length, but commonly the flolyera is about 12 inches long, more or less. In northern Greece they also have longer floyeres. In Epiros, northwestern Greece, these longer flutes are called tzamara. In Greek Thrace, northeastern Greece, they are sometimes called gavali (similar to the Bulgarian kaval). These longer flutes are usually around thirty (30) inches or so in length. The longer tzamara or gavali flutes have a different fingering and allow for playing half tones more easily that on the shorter floyera. Shepherds often play these, as they are fairly easily made by the musician himself. They can be made from bamboo, or from a straight branch from a tree which has a pithy center that can be poked out easily. Sometimes, the shepherds would make the floyera from the bone of a large bird's wing (like the eagle's wing bone). These floyeres were said to have magical properties. The finger holes, usually six (6) on the top and one (on the bottom), but sometimes seven (7) on the top, could be burned into the bamboo or wood or bone body of the floyera. A piece of wire or metal the proper diameter would be heated to red hot in a fire and then the finger hole would be burned through. Sometimes, pieces of metal pipe would be used, and the shepherd would have a metal worker drill the finger holes to his satisfaction. I have even made floyeres myself from pvc or plastic pipe, and they play quite well".

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