Tuesday 12 June 2018

Corfu, Greece: The Rubbish Crisis Continues: Τουριστική ατραξιόν τα σκουπίδια στην Κέρκυρα

Τουριστική ατραξιόν τα σκουπίδια στην Κέρκυρα - Τα βουνά των απορριμμάτων και οι αντιδράσεις των κατοίκων, To Vima

"The case of Corfu has the characteristics of all the maladministration that characterizes Greek administration and society in the management of waste: bad planning, illegal dumping, state-of-the-art facilities that do not work, protests by residents, street fighting with the police, lawsuits, fines".

The Municipality and local department of the Ministry of Health urge citizens and businesses to keep garbage on their own premises.

Υπ. Καθαριότητας: Κρατήστε επί 3ημερο τα σκουπίδια σε σπίτια & επιχειρήσεις, Kerkyra Simera

Ως εκ τούτου, παρακαλούμε, για 3 ημέρες, οι πολίτες να αποφύγουν να φορτίσουν το δίκτυο, κρατώντας σε ίδιους χώρους (στις εστίες ή στις επιχειρήσεις τους) τα απορρίμματα και τα ανακυκλώσιμα, για να δοθεί η δυνατότητα να καθαριστούν πλήρως οι εστίες στο κοινόχρηστο δίκτυο.

Η Δ/νση καθαριότητας και Ανακύκλωσης Δήμου Κέρκυρας, μετά την παρέλευση του 3μέρου θα επανέλθει με νεώτερη ενημέρωση.

The huge amount of rubbish is growing on a daily basis - την ποσότητα των απορριμμάτων που βαίνει καθημερινά αυξανόμενη

The baling and waste compressing machine at Tembloni has broken down again, it has been announced.

The Cleaning and Recycling Directorate of the Municipality of Corfu will come back with more information after three days...

A tragic situation at Aghios Gordis and elsewhere (Corfu TV News).

Road to Ai Gordi blocked by rubbish, Enimerosi


  1. I have heard about the serious problem in Greece and I can definitely say that such drama situations are not only there, but in other countries like the UK as well. You can check some more information on the following link: http://frcawley.co.uk/rubbish-removal/hackney-e5/.

  2. Really tough situation, massive action must be taken when it get to this point. Starting from teaching our children about recycling solutions, also urging our government to do their job correctly. It seems it is a global problem, not just in Greece, which is sad.
