Saturday 2 February 2013

Jimmy Savile, A Postscript

Decades of abuse

I came across this interview in ISIS, the Oxford University student magazine, issue 1478, 28 November 1964. This is the first page of a two page spread:

Page 2 (as requested by Natalie)

Note Jimmy Savile's comment:

"I'm Jimmy, one of their gang. You probably saw some birds stretching their hands out to pass me books to sign and then snatching them back at the last minute. Know why? Because they know I won't take their books without running my hands down their arms first."

The consequences, fifty years later (Telegraph article, update).

Update: it seems that the first serious complaints about Jimmy Savile as a predator date back to 1964. Allegations were never pursued by the police (HMIC report).

"Another man who tried to report an assault his girlfriend had suffered at a recording of Top of the Pops was told by police he "could be arrested for making such allegations" and dismissed...
Evidence uncovered by HMIC suggests Savile was known to Met officers investigating child sex offences as early as 1964 – the same year he presented the first edition of Top of the Pops". The Guardian

He could have been stopped back then.

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