Friday 4 October 2019

Corfu: Overtourism and Traffic Congestion

From Enimerosi - Lack of regulations is leading to an ΄overtourism΄ situation on Corfu Town roads

"During the tourist season we have to suffer the exhausting ordeal of traffic congestion on a 24-hour basis with the continuous problem - often unsolved - of finding a space to park. Our difficulties increase when on numerous occasions we just give up the idea of being able to go anywhere - even when it is a matter of urgency....The situation with urban and rural transport is something that above all concerns the tens of thousands of residents and visitors who suffer on the town's roads. It is clear that local authorities have consistently proved incapable of carrying out some kind of traffic study or work to resolve this long-term problem of congestion,"  San Giacomo Cultural Association.

Difficult days are coming for Corfu tourism, D.Mamalos, Corfu TV News (in Greek)

"Δυστυχώς οι υποδομές του νησιού έχουν αφεθεί στην τύχη τους και δεν θα σταθώ στο οδικό δίκτυο που εκεί απαιτείται ένας γενικότερος σχεδιασμός και πολλά χρήματα, αλλά στο ότι δεν μπορούμε να λειτουργήσουμε με επάρκεια ούτε τους βιολογικούς σταθμούς όπως στον Άγιο Μάρκο που πέφτουν τα λύματα στην θάλασσα ή στους Κυνοπιάστες. Δεν τα καταφέρνουμε ούτε στο ελάχιστο και αυτό θα πρέπει να μας προβληματίσει".

"Unfortunately the infrastructure of the island is left to chance and I will not dwell on the road network which requires...a lot of money, but on the fact that we cannot operate adequately even biological stations such as San Marco that drains into the sea..."

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