Tuesday 8 January 2019

Greece, Ionian Sea: Farmed Fish; 'The truth about the fish we eat and the drugs the fish are fed'. ' Όλη η αλήθεια για τα ψάρια που τρώμε'. Professor T. Albanis, University of Ioannina

From enallaktikos.gr - 'The whole truth about the fish we eat'

'Όλη η αλήθεια για τα ψάρια που τρώμε - Από τη φορμόλη στα... ψυχοφάρμακα', 5.1.2019.

"The Rector and director of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Ioannina explains that the fish we eat have taken in many other medicines in their lives. Among other things, their bodies have ingested or been penetrated by analgesics, antibiotics and psychiatric drugs.

According to the results of research in Ionian areas with a strong presence of fish farms, presented by Professor T. Albanis, the fish that reach our table have consumed large quantities not only of human drugs, but also of pesticides and other dangerous chemicals.

Among others, 67% of the research samples were found in chemical substances (pesticides). Moreover, in the sensitive ecological area of ​​Louros and Arachthos estuaries, high concentrations of psychiatric drugs were identified, while in several areas along with the above, the presence of antibiotics, analgesics, etc. was detected.

The professor also explained that about 85% of organic compounds that are artificially produced and are potential pollutants for water and aquatic ecosystems end up in the oceans. Among them, the 1,000 new chemical compounds produced each year.

Thus, fish do not only consume the medicines used in fish farms to keep them "healthy" (to protect them from certain diseases, at the same time as hazardous chemicals), but also those that end up in the sea as pharmaceutical waste".

(Google Translate)

From the Greek article:

'Σήμερα, ο Πρύτανης και διευθυντής του τμήματος Χημείας του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων, μας εξηγεί πως τα ψάρια που τρώμε, έχουν πάρει πολλά ακόμη φάρμακα στη ζωή τους. Ανάμεσα σε άλλα, ο οργανισμός τους έχει ποτιστεί με αναλγητικά, αντιβιοτικά και ψυχιατρικά φάρμακα!

Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα έρευνας σε περιοχές του Ιονίου με έντονη παρουσία ιχθυοκαλλιεργειών, που παρουσίασε ο καθηγητής Τ. Αλμπάνης, τα ψάρια που φτάνουν στο τραπέζι μας, έχουν καταναλώσει μεγάλες ποσότητες, όχι μόνο ανθρώπινων φαρμάκων, αλλά και φυτοφαρμάκων και άλλων επικίνδυνων χημικών ουσιών'.

More information - 'Kαταναλώνουμε ψάρια με αναλγητικά και ψυχοφάρμακα'

Most of the farm-reared sea-bream (Gilthead Bream, Sparus aurata, farmed in marine open net pens) which are on sale in British supermarkets are imported - and responsibly sourced- from Greece and Turkey. 

'Η κύρια περιοχή της μελέτης που ολοκληρώθηκε εστίασε σε παράκτιες περιοχές του Ιονίου όπου υπάρχει μεγάλη συγκέντρωση Ιχθυοκαλλιεργειών με αλιεύματα που καταναλώνονται σε όλη τη χώρα και εξάγοντα'.

"Following an investigation in Epirus, Sagiada and the estuary of Kalamas where there is the most intensive exploitation at the level of fish farming in the country, according to Mr. Albanis, they identified:

In a total of 600 samples taken at different sites, pesticide and other plant protection substances - pollutants were identified. 67% of the samples received were found to be more than one, while in a more limited number of samples there were 5-10 of the investigated compounds - pollutants.

Large concentrations of drugs contained in psychiatric drugs, antibiotics and mainly analgesics, a sample of intensive use as well as other sources of contamination such as hospital waste.

Pharmaceutical chemicals, also in large proportions like pesticides, coexist in the same samples that were investigated.

High concentrations of psychiatric substances have been identified at the estuaries of the Louros and Arachos rivers that form a single ecosystem (life cycle in nature) for aquatic organisms....

Now, after this useful pilot research project funded by the 7th Framework Program of the EU, Research and Technological Development in seven countries, including Greece, Italy, Spain, France and Norway, has already been completed, the University of Ioannina is now focusing on the further investigation of the effects and the biological cleansing of Hospitals, starting from the University Hospital of Ioannina, in cooperation with the Hospitals of Avlona in Albania and Bari in Italy".

(Google Translate)


That's apart from micro-plastic particles!

Related: Scottish salmon farming's sea lice 'crisis', BBC News

Sea lice 'breakthrough' for salmon farmers

From The Ferret on Farmed Salmon

Sea-bream, salmon, what next?


'Future of Mediterranean fishing on the line after European Parliament vote, say environmental groups', Euonews

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