Friday 1 November 2013

Busker with a Blue Guitar Outside The National Archives, Washington DC

I stopped to listen to Gregory Hicks singing some wonderful gospel and soul songs. He played me about six songs from his wide repertoire, and told me of some dramatic moments in his life. A rewarding, uplifting conversation.

He has an impressive voice and range, and sings everything from Paul Robeson to Otis Redding.

A deeply religious man, he's not a bluesman, even though he plays a blue guitar. I made a mess of Howlin' Wolf's "Smokestack Lightnin' when he invited me to show him how I played it; I fumbled a few bum notes, standing on the sidewalk beside Pennsylvania Avenue. Greg should be teaching at the Conservatoire, and I should have known better! Paul Robeson would not have approved- nor would The Wolf. But Greg was generous when I asked him if he thought the Brits were guilty of "stealing" the blues. "No", he answered, "you honoured the music".

1 comment:

  1. I meet Greg Hicks in Germany in the late 90s(?). he touched my heart, I will remember him for the rest of my life. i'm looking for his lost son in Holland about to give him a videotape from the young Greg Hicks singing gospels in a church in his hometown chicago ...
    pls contact me if you have still contact with Greg. -->
