I've just come across another review of The Cat of Portovecchio, Corfu Tales, by Maria Strani-Potts. It was reviewed by Thuy On, in The Age, Melbourne, on January 19 2008.
"The Cat of Portovecchio is a deeply sensual novel, you can almost smell the sea brine, the diced garlic, the fresh bread, and even the metallic blood scent wafting from the nearby slaughterhouse....The book has colour and passion to recommend it."
Copies of the book are available in Corfu at PLUS bookshop and at Zervopoulou's, from the Reading Society (Anagnostiki Etairia) or from the Agni Animal Welfare website.
I have written a historical and background feature about Mandouki (the suburb of Corfu which is the setting for Maria's novel) in the latest edition of The Corfiot (no. 227 Nov/December 2009). This can also be read online, as a pdf, cost two Euros for the whole issue.
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