Thursday 9 September 2010

Mandouki, Corfu: Historic Suburb?

That Mandouki is an interesting and historic suburb of Corfu Town there can be no doubt. It hides many secrets. The walls could tell many tales. But they don't, because there are no explanatory information boards (eg about the important industrial archaeology sites).

Some of my Mandoukiot friends feel it is very misleading for foreign visitors, on disembarking from their cruise ships, to be confronted with a large sign pointing them to this "Historic Suburb".

Many times we see groups of people wandering aimlessly and lost through the area, looking for something of historic interest. Some of them are very elderly, and suffering from the heat. They have probably foregone a visit to the real historic heart of Corfu Town in order to explore Mandouki or Kefalomandouko.

As a committed Mandoukiot (when in Corfu), and  as a paid-up member of the Mandoukiot Society/ Brotherhood, I shouldn't comment. There are some great places to eat and drink in this historic suburb, especially in the evening. The Society complains that some of the ruined (abandoned) and unfinished buildings are becoming small ghettos for illegal immigrants. It's not that I would want to send visitors from the New Port to the Old Port at Spilia, but if no better information services or kits are made available to guide the casual visitor, and if the churches are closed, they would be better advised to head for the centre of the Old Town.

Maybe the "Historic Suburb of Mandouki" sign should be removed for the time being, until the Mandoukiots get their act together- such as updating, translating and making available the excellent booklet illustrated above?

  Mandouki 1963, photo Theresa Nicholas 

1 comment:

  1. Stan Svoboda, a sailor from Florida, standa96@yahoo.com15 November 2010 at 09:58

    Anyone, please, knows the name and contact info (e-mail) for a boat yard E of Mandouki, just to the east of cruise ship terminal, off Ethnikisis Antistaseos blvd and N. Zervou. I'd like to inquire about hauling out my boat there for the winter. Thank you, Stan
