Thursday 16 December 2010

Vikos-Aoos National Park: The Best Bolt-Hole

My preferred natural habitat and bolt-hole. 
Now in UNESCO's Global Network of National Geoparks.

Thanks to Richard Pine for drawing this to my attention.

Wikipedia on the National Park 

Some definitions of bolt-hole:

- a hole through which an animal may bolt when pursued into its burrow   or den
- a path of escape 
- a place for hiding, seclusion, etc.

Where's your favourite bolt-hole?

1 comment:

  1. My bolt holes are in the cracks left in an ever spreading carpet of concrete.
    Marias's passionate anger resonates for me...My father wrote before he died...did they think about the skylarks when they built Mayfair on the grazings that ran down to the Shepherd’s Market? Did they worry about the snipe when they drained the marshes behind St.James’s Palace to build Belgravia? nWhere did the kite go when they dug the London sewers?n Do the piles they drove down through the beaver’s dam hold
    firm the supermarket in Newbury High Street? Who cooked the big trout that lay under the village bridge at Wandsworth? Who feasted on the last salmon that was netted at Tower Hamlets?...
    `one of my bolt holes is below Birmingham's Spagetti Junction where canal, rail and river meet in a blighted space full of buddleia, reeds, rose bay willow, couch grass and 50 species of butterflies - a phenomenon I'm told repeated along our motorway verges, where now and then I glimpse a wind hover who knows what small creatures roam there free of man courtesy of man.
