Sunday 11 August 2019

ZERO WASTE! Turtles prefer black and green plastic (evidence from Cyprus and Eastern Mediterranean); Macroplastic ingestion

The Telegraph's Zero Waste Campaign

Turtles eat more black and green plastic as it looks like sea grass, scientists find

"Green turtles are more likely to swallow plastic that resembles their natural diet of sea grass, and so end up with far more black and green plastic in their stomachs. Scientists from the University of Exeter and the Society for the Protection of Turtles examined the guts of 19 turtles found washed up on beaches in Cyprus. Plastic was found in all turtles whose full gastrointestinal tract could be examined, with one found to contain 183 pieces".

Diet-related selectivity of macroplastic ingestion in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the eastern Mediterranean, Scientific Reports journal


"Understanding the drivers of key interactions between marine vertebrates and plastic pollution is now considered a research priority. Sea turtles are primarily visual predators, with the ability to discriminate according to colour and shape; therefore these factors play a role in feeding choices. Classification methodologies of ingested plastic currently do not record these variables, however here, refined protocols allow us to test the hypothesis that plastic is selectively ingested when it resembles the food items of green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Turtles in the eastern Mediterranean displayed strong diet-related selectivity towards certain types (sheet and threadlike), colours (black, clear and green) and shapes (linear items strongly preferred) of plastic when compared to the environmental baseline of plastic beach debris. There was a significant negative relationship between size of turtle (curved carapace length) and number/mass of plastic pieces ingested, which may be explained through naivety and/or ontogenetic shifts in diet. Further investigation in other species and sites are needed to more fully ascertain the role of selectivity in plastic ingestion in this marine vertebrate group".

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