Wednesday 27 June 2018

Corfu: Another Ten Days to Complete the Clean-Up (Enimerosi)

Letter (27th June) from Ionian Islands Regional Administration to ABTA: In 10 days Corfu will have been cleaned up

Where is the rubbish being taken? That's the big question.

"All the necessary measures are being taken in order to implement an integrated waste management system which will solve the problem completely".

From 21st June: Greek National Tourism Organisation UK director Emy Anagnostopoulou said the issue was being dealt with. “Waste management is complex, which can be a difficult case when islands are involved. Cleaning is under way and we may need 10 more days to complete this task.

All good news...

Corfu Wallows in Trash Amid Violence over Garbage Site, Greek Reporter

No strategic waste plan

"Η Δημοτική Αρχή όχι μόνο δεν διέθετε σχέδιο, αλλά ακύρωσε εξαιτίας της πολιτικής ιδεοληψίας της όλη την προεργασία των προηγούμενων Δημοτικών Αρχών που είχαν φτάσει στην πρώτη φάση αξιολόγησης του Ανταγωνιστικού Διαλόγου για την κατασκευή της Μονάδας Ολοκληρωμένης Διαχείρισης Στερεών Αποβλήτων μέσω ΣΔΙΤ", Enimerosi.

The government steps in

Τι απαντά ο Υπ. Εσωτερικών για τα σκουπίδια & τα ΜΑΤ στην Κέρκυρα (video)

«Από τα ξημερώματα της Τρίτης, τα ΜΑΤ έχουν κάνει απόβαση στην Κέρκυρα, προκειμένου να επιβάλουν δια της βίας τη λειτουργία του ΧΥΤΑ/ΧΥΤΥ Λευκίμμης. Ο ΧΥΤΑ Τεμπλονίου που συγκεντρώνονταν τα σκουπίδια του νησιού έχει υπερκορεστεί σε τέτοιο βαθμό που δεν χωράει άλλα. Έτσι, η κυβέρνηση, ο δήμος και η περιφέρεια επέλεξαν ως «λύση» τη Λευκίμμη, παρά τις αντιδράσεις των κατοίκων της περιοχής».

On Erimitis (Democrary Street)

Macedonia Belongs to...Its Bears

Another perspective

(seen on wall of Municipal Theatre, Corfu)

Evidence of bears

Other ideas and controversial claims:

Monday 25 June 2018

Romanticism in Corfu, Exhibition, The Ionian Academy, 2-26 August, 2018

Romanticism in Corfu, Exhibition

“Romanticism in Corfu” curated by Megakles Rogakos at the Ionian Academy, Corfu (2 – 26 August 2018).

Inspiring images!

Athens' Rubbish Landfill Problems; Attica

From Kathimerini

"Πλησιάζοντας τον ΧΥΤΑ Φυλής, το πρώτο πράγμα που αντιλαμβάνεσαι είναι η μυρωδιά. Οσο πιο κοντά βρίσκεσαι τόσο η μυρωδιά αυτή μπαίνει μέσα σου, ερεθίζει τη μύτη, «ποτίζει» το δέρμα. Οταν πια φθάσεις στο σημείο όπου τα απορριμματοφόρα ξεφορτώνουν, εκεί η λογική τελειώνει. Το μόνο που θες είναι να φύγεις, απελπισμένος".

On Corfu (update):

Garbage collection on Corfu under strong police presence due to locals’ protests, KTG

Vitsa, Zagori: On the Way to Kato Vitsa

                                         New signs (in case we lose our way).

Vasílis Pandís, A Poem, "May Day" ("Mayday"); Mon Repos, Corfu.

Mon Repos, Corfu

When I was in Corfu last week, I bought a slim volume of poems by Vasílis Pandís, a talented young Corfiot poet and translator. I made a translation of one of the poems that impressed me.

May Day

The First of May, the grey skin of a snake
Shed deep in the gardens of Mon Repos,
Near the paths where the thrushes sing –

Over there, hidden in the balmy undergrowth,
The naked snake
Lies in wait for me.

Vasílis Pandís

(Translation, Jim Potts).

Vasílis Pandís was born in Corfu in 1997.

 "Chásma Vathí" (Deep Chasm) is his first book of poetry (2018).


It's a pity I didn't manage to capture the idea inherent in the poetic Greek φιδοπουκαμισο, "fidhopoukamiso" (φιδοδερμα) which suggests that the snake, or serpent (?) had shed or stripped off its grey shirt (skin).

Friday 22 June 2018

Dorset councils merger plan: Judicial review granted (BBC)

BBC News

"A judicial review has been granted over plans to merge Dorset's nine councils into two unitary authorities. Christchurch Borough Council, which formally opposed the plans, launched the legal challenge last month. The case is expected to be heard in the High Court by 27 July".

Jumbo, Ioannina, Midsummer; IKEA

Photo: MP

Last time we visited IKEA, Ioannina:

Vitsa, Zagori: The Country Life

After days of torrential rainstorms, thunder and lightning, a sunny day. Attracted by the symphony of cows' bells of a herd of seventy cattle (including one bull) belonging to Spyros Loutsaris, who also keeps some goats and sheep, I went to listen, and chatted to Spyros, who was making sure they didn't wander up the cobbled path into the village. Lakis Papadimitriou then joined us for a few minutes; he's a saintly, hard-working farmer who keeps chickens and sheep. We try to buy fresh eggs from him, whenever we can. That's the life (when it's not pouring with rain).

Lakis (left) and Spiros (right)

Where the free-range cows can't come: 

The back of the bull (yesterday), wandering freely down the road.
Not in a hurry to move aside!

Two years ago:

Greece's Creditors Agree to Debt Deal; Enhanced Supervision, Oversight and Controls; Monitoring and Evaluation of Implementation

From Bloomberg

"Greece’s euro-area creditors struck a landmark deal to ease repayment terms on some of the nation’s loans in an effort to ease its mountain of debt and clear the way for it to exit the lifeline that’s kept it afloat since 2010".

Maybe now the Greek State can afford to help deal with the mountains of garbage on Corfu.

Eurozone gets deal to pave way for end to Greece's bailout, ABC News

Eurozone agrees deal to bring Greece out of financial crisis, The Guardian

Greece Gets Debt Relief, Greek Reporter

Στενή εποπτεία και ελάφρυνση χρέους με δεσμεύσεις,

Close oversight and debt relief with commitments:
"Enhanced supervision is not a clear exit. Enhanced surveillance, with systematic controls. These controls, depending on the performance of the Greek authorities, will send positive or negative signals to the country on the markets, facilitating or hindering the borrowing of the Greek government, respectively".

Eurogroup: Εποπτεία και μέτρα για χρέος υπό όρους, Kathimerini

"The post-memorandum monitoring is essentially the same as during the memorandum period. Institutions, including the IMF, will come to Athens every quarter and will assess the implementation of the government's commitments in both fiscal and reform policies. At the end of each evaluation, they will produce a report to the Eurogroup and the European Parliament. The report will be publicized, which means that the performance of the country and the markets will be assessed".

Eurogroup deal for Greece clinched after marathon session, eKathimerini

Jean-Claude Juncker‏ @JunckerEU

"Eurogroup agreement paves way for successful conclusion of the programme and a new chapter for the country. I will always fight for Greece to be at the heart of Europe. I pay tribute to the Greek people for their resilience and European commitment. Their efforts were not in vain".

"A fudge of sorts...another can down the road" - Eurointelligence.

Critics Pour Cold Water on Greek Debt Deal, Greek Reporter

Historic Moment as Greek PM Wears a Tie, Pappas Post

Tsipras finally wears a tie – to celebrate the Eurogroup deal, KTG

Varoufakis Says Debt Deal ‘Extends Greek Bankruptcy into 2060’, Greek Reporter

An agreement on Greek debt that satisfies both sides, The Greek Crisis

"The Greeks Can Now Smile!" - After Having Benefited From The "Biggest Solidarity The World Has Ever Seen.”, Observing Greece

Many different points of view. I'm none the wiser.

Thursday 21 June 2018

Nikos Dendias: "Corfu and its future are in absolute danger"; Ν. Δένδιας: «Η Κέρκυρα και το μέλλον της βρίσκονται σε απόλυτο κίνδυνο...ουδείς δικαιούται να κωφεύει»

From Corfu TV News

Corfu and its Future in Danger- Nobody should turn a deaf ear. Ο Κοινοβουλευτικός Εκπρόσωπος και Βουλευτής Β΄ Αθηνών της Νέας Δημοκρατίας, Νίκος Δένδιας: ουδείς δικαιούται να κωφεύει!

From Nikos Dendias, MP:

"I have been silent for so long in the hope that the Local Government and the Greek State could meet the huge challenge and danger of not managing waste in the prefecture of Corfu. Unfortunately, they were unable to respond. At this time, declaring the county as in a state of emergency, and the immediate and effective mobilization of the State of Greece, is a constitutional obligation.”

Η Κέρκυρα και το μέλλον της βρίσκονται σε σημείο απόλυτου κινδύνου και ουδείς δικαιούται να κωφεύει...

«Παρέμεινα επί τόσο καιρό σιωπηλός, ελπίζοντας ότι η Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση και το κεντρικό Κράτος θα μπορούσαν να ανταποκριθούν, έστω και στοιχειωδώς, στην τεράστια πρόκληση και τον κίνδυνο που συνιστά η μη διαχείριση των απορριμμάτων στον Νομό της Κέρκυρας. Δυστυχώς, δεν μπόρεσαν να ανταποκριθούν.

Στο χρονικό αυτό σημείο, η κήρυξη του Νομού σε κατάσταση έκτακτης ανάγκη και η κινητοποίηση, άμεσα και αποτελεσματικά, του κεντρικού Κράτους, αποτελεί στοιχειώδη συνταγματική υποχρέωση.

Η Κέρκυρα και το μέλλον της βρίσκονται σε σημείο απόλυτου κινδύνου και ουδείς δικαιούται να κωφεύει».

From the Mayor of Corfu: "We have lost our soul"

The Situation (an SOS to the European Union):

The Greek island of Corfu is suffering a major threat to public health as a result of the chronic mismanagement of waste collection and treatment throughout the island (not to mention the absence of recycling and waste separation).

It seems that neither the municipality nor the national government is able to do anything about this crisis (and perennial problem), which is much worse this year than ever before. Rodents and micro-organisms are a recognized threat, as the Corfu Medical authorities have warned.

What can the EC or EU do, urgently, to help resolve this disastrous crisis? To some extent, it is a common challenge to all island communities, and there must be solutions, temporary and long-term, that can be shared and implemented without further delay.

The most urgent priority is to remove all rotting garbage from the island, as the landfills are full and overflowing, and the equipment is unable to cope. The longer term plan must be activated immediately, with the support and advice of the European Union.

The streets are lined with huge piles of refuse, and children's health is at risk.

This is an SOS about an impending state of emergency.

Ten years ago-
The Corfiot newspaper, front page, November 2008


Panorea, an allegory about the environment (2008):

Τέρμα τα λόγια, ώρα για δράση

“This book should be read by political candidates, and by all those who work in institutions and who hold any kind of power, or who hold the fate of the island in their hands.” 

“Maria’s short and powerful parable should be compulsory – it makes compelling reading, a passionate cry of outrage at the slow ruination of a culture by greedy and incompetent people…trading on goodness and beauty they forgot or never understood".

“An absolute must-read”.

(Excerpts from various reviews)

The Exploitation of Panorea is a hard-hitting tale about the environment and the ruthless exploitation of an island in the Ionian Sea.